Ihre DETEKTEI für die USA*
Unsere Detektive für Sie vor Ort im Einsatz Professionelle Beweisbeschaffung -absolute Diskretion garantiert-
Operatives Einsatzgebiet der Detektive der Detektei Detegere – USA-
Die USA (United States) ist eine föderale Republik welche aus 50 Bundesstaaten und einem Bundesdistrikt (der Hauptstadt Washington D.C.) besteht.
Auch hier konnten die Detektive der Detektei Detegere schon in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Kollegen aus den USA (hauptsächlich Mitglieder der WAD – World Association of Detectives -) für einen Mandaten aus Deutschland tätig werden. Dieser wollte einen Großteil seines Vermögens in ein Immobilienprojekt in Houston am Golf von Mexico an der Südküste der USA investieren. Misstrauisch über die höhe der versprochenen Rendite beauftragte er die Detektive der Detektei Detegere, welche sich vor Ort in den USA umsehen sollten, ob hierbei alles mit rechten Dingen zu geht.
Schnell konnten die Detektive mit Hilfe der Detektive aus den USA den Schwindel aufdecken und somit den deutschen Klienten vor einem finanziellen Fiasko bewahren.
Die US Amerikanischen Kollegen waren mit den Detektiven der Detektei Detegere in den USA somit ein äußerst erfolgreiches Team.
Operational area of the detectives of the Detektei Detegere – USA-
The United States (United States) is a federal republic consisting of 50 states and a federal district (the capital Washington DC). Here too the detectives of Detektei Detegere could already work in close cooperation with their colleagues from the USA for a mandate from Germany. The company wanted to invest a large part of its assets in a property project in Houston on the Gulf of Mexico on the south coast of the USA. Suspicious about the amount of the promised yield, he entrusted the detectives of Detektei Detegere, who were to look around the country in the USA, to see if everything was doing the right thing. The detectives quickly discovered the fraud with the help of the detectives from the USA and thus saved the German client from a financial fiasco. The US American colleagues were thus a very successful team with the detectives of Detektei Detegere in the USA.
Informations about a womans privacy life
This week we had a case with an English speaking client who felt in love with a german female person who is working for an US company in Las Vegas, Miami and New York. Before having deeper contact with the woman our client wanted to know more about the details of the womans life.
Using our long time good channels we managed within a couple of days to draw a lot informations from many German institutions and other places about her education, work, private life and what type of sourrounding of life she prefers.
Also our excellent sources in the US have been a big help for us to receive more interesting informations about the womans job, her situation and her private relations.
The complete results of our investigation gave us and our client a very good picture about the woman and helped him to take the right decision.
The most important point was that we have found out that the woman is doing her job well but concerning her private situation and relationships had been something wrong.
We discovered that the woman already for a long time is only interested in very well earning and well situated men. Their age was of no importance. When we informed our client that the woman was and still is very active on different websites to get in contact and have meetings with male persons he was quite surprised because she didn’t tell him the truth.
Finally we had a satisfied client who perhaps would have done the wrongest step his life. He terminated email and phone contact with this woman.
This leads to the conclusion:
Whenever someone comes in contact with a person about you don’t know anything might it be for business or for private reasons it is a good idea to involve private Investigators to get some advice.
Die Detektei Investigation Service Detegere macht darauf aufmerksam, dass es sich bei den im Internetauftritt aufgeführten Einsatzgebieten und Ländern nicht um Firmensitze oder Niederlassungen, sondern um operative Einsatzgebiete handelt. Durch den Verzicht kostenaufwändiger Büros kommt Ihnen eine faire und kostengünstige Honorargestaltung zu Gute. Alle Einsätze werden von unserer Zentrale in Alzenau aus koordiniert. So entstehen Ihnen bspw. keinerlei Kosten für An- und Abfahrt, Foto- bzw. Videodokumentation. Ihr erfahrener Ansprechpartner wird Sie diskret und professionell zum Thema Detektivdienstleistung beraten.